Rivus Capital ist ein inhabergeführtes Family Office mit Sitz in München. Wir unterstützen sowohl etablierte als auch junge Unternehmen mit Eigenkapital, Netzwerk und Know-How
Rivus Capital investiert Kapital von Unternehmern für Unternehmer: Wir sind kein Verwalter „anonymen“ Kapitals institutioneller Investoren, sondern arbeiten mit eigenen Mitteln – von uns und befreundeten Unternehmern.
Mit unserem Beteiligungsansatz investieren wir ausschließlich in Unternehmen, die schon heute eine nachhaltige, saubere, sichere und gesunde Welt für aktuelle und zukünftige Generationen schaffen. Wir investieren in echte Veränderung. In soziale, ökologische und digitale Transformation.
Eine Investitionsentscheidung beinhaltet für uns nicht den isolierten Blick auf das Unternehmen selbst, sondern berücksichtigt vor allem auch die Frage, welcher gesellschaftliche oder ökologische Mehrwert geschaffen werden kann. Daher investieren wir spezifisch in „Impact“-Themen und tätigen alle unsere Investments immer unter Berücksichtigung der ESG-Kriterien.
Unsere Entscheidungswege dabei sind kurz: Wir entscheiden selbst – unabhängig von Dritten, Investoren oder Gremien. Damit sind wir schnell und verbindlich.
Vision and innovation are at the heart of everything we do. 
Entrepreneurial thinking needs freedom. That is our conviction.

As a partner, Patrick heads the private equity division at Rivus Capital. He brings several years of professional experience in the private equity business and in management consulting with stations in Frankfurt, London and Munich. He has assisted companies from various sectors with strategy development, equity capital measures and growth projects. Patrick holds a Master of Finance from the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. In his free time, Patrick enjoys being in the mountains, traveling and is a soccer enthusiast.

As a partner, Patrick heads the Private Equity division and brings with him several years of professional experience in the investment business as well as in management consulting with stations in Frankfurt, London and Munich. Patrick holds a Master of Finance from the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. In his free time, Patrick enjoys traveling and is a soccer enthusiast.

Patrick Schloter

Simon has been accompanying the build-up of Rivus Capital since 2021. Previously, he worked for High-Tech Gründerfonds in Berlin, where he built up a venture portfolio in various sectors, after working at Horváth as a management consultant and in the areas of M&A and strategy. Simon graduated from WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management with a Master in Finance and Economics. In his spare time, Simon enjoys playing tennis, skiing and travelling.

Simon has been building up the venture activities at Rivus Capital since 2021. Previously, he worked for HTGF in Berlin and gained experience in management consulting. Simon is a graduate of the WHU and in his free time, Simon enjoys playing tennis, skiing and traveling.

Simon Math

Andre is a Senior Investment Manager in the Private Equity team. Before joining Rivus, he was a Vice President in the Investment Bank of Credit Suisse in Zurich and Hong Kong. He guided mid-market companies across various sectors through strategic acquisitions and divestments. Previously, he worked at PwC in Munich and UBS in Zurich. Andre holds a master’s degree in finance from the University of Liechtenstein. In his free time, he enjoys spending time in the Alps.

Andre is part of the Private Equity team. Before joining Rivus, he worked in Investment Banking and guided mid-market companies through strategic acquisitions and divestments. Andre holds a master’s degree in finance from the University of Liechtenstein. He enjoys spending time in the Alps.

André Hehle
Senior Investment Manager

Moritz is part of the Private Equity investment team at Rivus Capital. Before joining Rivus, he worked as an investment professional at an investment holding with focus on special situations and as a consultant at a corporate finance boutique in Munich. Moritz holds a M.Sc. in Economics from Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. In his free time, Moritz enjoys playing squash, hiking and skiing.

Moritz is part of the Private Equity investment team at Rivus Capital and joins with prior work experience at an investment holding and at a corporate finance boutique in Munich. Moritz holds a M.Sc. in Economics from Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. In his free time, Moritz enjoys playing squash, hiking and skiing.

Moritz Schneider
Investment Associate

Maximilian is a strategy and investment enthusiast. At Rivus Capital, he is a strategic and operational advisor for private equity and venture capital. At P&P Group, he serves as chief strategy officer (CSO). Maximilian has an entrepreneurial background that includes strategy consulting, start-up co-founding, various analytical roles, and private real estate investing.

Maximilian is a strategy and investment enthusiast. At Rivus Capital he is a strategic and operational advisor for both Private Equity and Venture Capital. At P&P Group his role is Chief Strategy Officer (CSO).

Maximilian Haupter-Maier
Chief Strategy Officer (CSO)

Michael is the founder of Rivus Capital as well as P&P Group with offices in Munich, Berlin, London and Nuremberg. As an operational investor with excellent technical expertise and a 30-year experience, he invests in the sectors of real estate, venture capital and private equity.

Michael is the founder of Rivus Capital as well as P&P Group with offices in Munich, Berlin, London and Nuremberg. As an operational investor with excellent technical expertise and a 30-year experience, he invests in the sectors of real estate, venture capital and private equity.

Michael Peter
Founder and Chairman
Arbeiten bei Rivus Capital

Wir sind auf Wachstumskurs und bieten Einstiegsmöglichkeiten sowohl in unserem Invest­ment­team als auch in unseren Port­fo­lio­gesellschaften.



Ohne die herausragende Arbeit eines jeden Einzelnen wäre der Erfolg von Rivus Capital nicht möglich. Die Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen sowie die Motivation der Kolleginnen und Kollegen sind die entscheidenden Faktoren, die uns nach vorne bringen. Unser Ziel ist, ein Arbeitgeber zu sein, für den jeder Mitarbeiter von uns langfristig und gerne tätig ist.
Wir sind auf Wachstumskurs und bieten Einstiegsmöglichkeiten sowohl in unserem Invest- mentteam als auch in unseren Portfoliogesellschaften.
We are on a growth path and offer entry-level opportunities both in our investment team and in our portfolio companies.
Arbeiten bei Rivus Capital

Wir bieten ein dynamisches, professionelles aber auch teamorientiertes Arbeitsumfeld